Saturday, September 13, 2008

24th of July

It's been a tradition for the Christensen family to create a float for the parade. The family collaborated, and with Dad's skills and everyone's hot air, we created a sixteen foot cob of corn.

Casey, Amanda holding Kempton, Grandpa, and Samantha.

Jed and Sarah with their children: Brooklynn, Elissa, and Kempton.

Here's Thayne pulling us all on the old green tractor.


Christensen's said...

Very cute! I like your new layout. And the pictures are fun! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Christensen's said...

I visited the site mom, and I look very good in all the pictures, so thank you for my good looks, my muscle are from dad though and they have been a great addition. I love you! Your boy jed.

Christensen's said...

I just got done at looking at all my siblings blogs and it is interesting that everyone's coloring and layout matches their personality. It shouldn't shock me, but is quite interesting to compare. I am including yours and ours in this comparison.


JaNae said...

Wow! What a blog! You are amazing!!! I love the new layout. Thanks for posting pictures. It's so much fun for me to see what's been going on. I love you!

The Burns said...

LOVE your layout! It looks wonderful mother! I am so happy for you! I miss you so much and I hope that I get to see you soon! Looks like you got it all figured out! LOL! MISS YOU!
Love manda and cleve! Tell Jens and DAD HI!!!!